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Month: September 2018

My Time As A Mum of Boys So Far – Happiness & Joy Every Single Day

Over three years ago, I was so very blessed to become a mum for the very first time. Then again last November, I was so blessed to become a proud Mum again to another beautiful baby boy.

I will never ever forget the pure joy which I felt after safely delivering our son and bringing him in to this world, we call Earth.

I am so very grateful, each and every single day. I am so grateful he calls me mummy. I am so grateful to learn through his eyes and to see the world how he now sees the world.

I am so grateful to see the special bond which he has with his father, my husband and partner in life. I am so very grateful to hear the beautiful sound of giggles and laughter when the boys play together.

I’m so grateful that he asks to hand my hand to sleep every night and wants me to tuck him in.

Becoming a proud mum has taught me so very much about myself, about others. As I have become a mum, to be completely honest, I have also realised who matters most in our lives. Sadly, its not always the people who you thought that would matter for life. I am grateful for true friends. I am grateful for those supportive friends who are like family. Who share things with you, who watch your children grow. Who celebrate your children growing and evolving. Who lift you up when you are down. Who genuinely ask how you are. I think you develop a sense for who actually cares and who doesn’t. It’s so very easy to see now. Being a mum you put your children first always. It’s also important to put yourself first too and remember how important self-care is. To not lose yourself. To still find what makes you happy, outside being a mum and a wife. I have been doing that a lot lately. Reconnecting with the person who I am at my absolute rawest and absolute core. I don’t have time to sweat the small stuff. I don’t have time to be a people pleaser. I only have time for my family and my inner circle to be completely honest. And quick frankly, that is how it should be. A wise close friend of mine yesterday said, in life you have 5 true friends. I know who mine are. I know who my family is. I am truly so very blessed. xo

– Rachael xo The Pink Jubilee Editor xo

Welcoming Oscar in to the World

I can’t believe that he is going to be 10-months-old this Week! Where has the time gone?

Pregnancy can seem like it goes for a lifetime, and then before you know it, you are welcoming your precious little bundle in to the big wide world. That’s exactly how it feels atm. I feel in one breath little Oscar has been with us forever and in other moments, I can look back on the day that was November 13th, and it feels like I’ve blinked and been in a dream and that now we are here, right in this month. Life as a family of four! It’s very surreal indeed. Very special. I’m trying my best to not take anything for granted. To embrace the special moments. The moments of laughter, the moments of crying and tears, the moments of pure emotion. Every single emotion possible. I’m trying to ensure that I soak in it all. As I know that in the space for another few months, My little Baby is going to be 1. I don’t know how that’s going to be the case, as I still at times feel like I’m in the newborn bubble, but it will be our reality. We will have a gorgeous one-year-old running around and laughing. I can already see how the brotherly bond is so very special. I’m so excited to see what is to come for our two gorgeous boys. What is so important to me, that my husband and I stand united as parents, guiding them along the way in life, giving them the very best we can along the way. Showing them what love is, showing them what living is. Showing them kindness, leading by example. That is what I want for my two boys. I would love to view the world through their eyes. I hope that they too can see through my eyes, just how much I love and adore them. as does their Daddy, and all of their loved ones around them. Happy almost 10-months my gorgeous boy. You are the best addition to our family. xo


Family Photo Memories to Last a Lifetime – Memories Become More Precious with Age

A Trip Down Memory Lane – if only time could stand still! Happy Memories…

I am a big lover of photographs, I have loved photos from as long as I can remember. Some people love photos, others do not. I completely get that. For me, I’m one who is always capturing the moment. For it’s the moments which make up our lifetime. It’s living in the moment and then reflecting on those precious moments which in my opinion, make up this precious journey that we all call life. Here are some moments captured. xo

Rachael xo

Photos – Milque Photography and Tara Lee Photography xo