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Month: February 2019

My Journey to Parenthood – The Road We Travelled – How I Survived Losing Two Babies – In My Own Words


By Rachael Tickner

Opinion Piece

The past five years have been a journey that I never thought that my life would take me on… I am a mum of two beautiful boys, but in order to grow our family, we endured what many families sadly also experience… the loss of our two beloved babies that grew and existed before them.

I have been a mother now for four years. Technically though, I’ve really been a mother for five years. The day which I learnt that my husband and I were pregnant for the first time, really was an incredible day. Little did I know that the weeks that followed would change me as a person. I am no longer the women that I once was. Am I a better person? In some ways, yes, in other ways, no. Am I a stronger person? You had better believe it! I have learnt to be resilient. I have learnt to deal with daily anxiety. I have learnt to love than I ever thought possible. Would I change a thing as heartbreaking as 2013 and 2014 were? That answer is also no. For if I hadn’t been through what I went through, I would not have our two beautiful boys, Ollie and Oscar. They are my world, my absolute everything. They are my husband’s everything too. I honestly can’t imagine life without them, and I know that my husband feels the same way. Doesn’t every parent?

I know we are all so guilty of missing them when we aren’t with them. Take the recent celebrations of Valentine’s Day for instance. It was our first night away, not being pregnant for as long as I can remember! I have been pregnant four times in five years, but sadly, two of our little babies didn’t make it safely earthside. I know that I’m not alone. So many other couples out there are in the club that you never thought that you would receive an automatic membership to. When we first lost our first son, it was truly devastating. I still remember every single detail of our pregnancy journey. The day those first two positive pink lines appeared, how I told my husband, how we told our family and close friends. Hearing our son’s heart beat for the first time. It’s something that will never leave me.

The joy of seeing the very first sonograph, despite our little “Chickpea” only being so small. Little did we know back then, that he was in fact a he. Our first son. That’s right, I’m actually a mother to three beautiful boys, just one of them is in heaven. He is not alone though… he is also in heaven amongst the angels with his little brother or sister. In my heart, I believe he had a little sister. They were close in age. From medical terms, they were 7 months a part in gestational age, but would have been both four and one due on July 29th, 2014 and the other due on January 5th, 2015, (also my Dad’s 60th birthday). Life had other ideas though. Life chose us to have a harder journey to parenthood. I know that people say, things happen for a reason and that those babies “sadly where not meant to be”. But, in my heart, and my husband’s heart, they were always meant to be. I still truly believe that. They taught us love like no other. Going through a missed miscarriage soon before the “safe” 12/13 week mark was extremely tough. Devastating in fact. I will never forget the words ”Was there a heartbeat?” “When did you have your dating scan?” Deep down, I think that I knew something was a-miss. I had confided in my husband and family, but of course, everyone brushed it off. It will all be okay. As you never think that it will happen to you. It happened to us twice. In a row.

The odds were not in our favour. The hardest part was finding out that there was no reason for our loss. Deep down, and still to this day, I worried if a reaction that I had contributed to or caused the loss, but despite confidential circumstances, we will never know. I just have to be at peace that our baby boy was so very loved and still is so very loved. I know that other families have been through so much too, and everyone’s journey is so different. It’s all so personal too. For a long time, I didn’t know how to express my thoughts and feelings, my hurt, anger and frustration. I was and still believe that I am a happy and bubbly person, but I went through some dark times after our loss and my anxiety was triggered from the experience, without a doubt. I didn’t see a psychologist for a few years. It was only when I was expecting our second son, that I finally got a referral to see a wonderful psychologist. Sadly though, She passed away after a few sessions with her. Dr Lisa, I will be forever grateful to you. Dr Lisa understood – she too had lost three angel babies. I truly believe that speaking to someone helps, you might not be ready straight away, but you will know when you are. There are so many amazing support groups available these days, which is so much more than even five years ago. It’s incredible how many friends and family members that you speak to and confide in that have also been through loss. It’s healthy to talk, to open up. To not be afraid to share your feelings. For I feel that bottling them up in the long run, is not healthy for you, nor your partner.

There are wonderful support groups out there for men also, as we can’t forget what they go through as well. It was their child too. They also need love, care and support.

We had booked a trip overseas before we found out that we were expecting. It was a trip to Paris and Italy for our 30ths. I should have been holding our newborn son in my arms for my 30th, but the universe had other ideas. Luckily we didn’t cancel our trip, in the end, we did still go, as by May 2014, we also suffered our second loss.

I had found out that we were expecting again, the very same day that we bought this house. Our first pregnancy, I had morning and all day sickness, I had the embarrassing vomiting at my work’s morning meeting café, the works… but with our second pregnancy, I didn’t feel sick, tired, but not sick. On Mother’s Day of 2014, at a close friend’s wedding, right before their ceremony, I started bleeding. I had never had that with our first loss. I was worried, but I didn’t let it completely ruin the night. In hindsight, I should have really gone to see the hospital doctors that night. In the week that followed, I did phone our doctors, emailed and also went to a private scanning facility on my own accord in conjunction with care with my GP, and the emergency of a local hospital. I also had blood tests taken every few days. Everything was off when it came to what the doctors were seeing. “Did I have my dates wrong?” “It could be a natural miscarriage.” “There was no baby in my uterus”. Google was telling me that it could be ectopic. It was only when it ruptured and I called the home doctor and my husband to come home with some anti-inflammatory medication that I realised things were not looking good. I had experienced excruciating pain at work. It was getting worse, like a stabbing pain in my right side. The home doctor thought it could be ectopic. He asked if I wanted an ambulance. We didn’t have a car at the time as we lived inner city. One regret I did have was not taking up that offer, as waiting for a cab and then waiting in the waiting room, I imagine added more time to the process. After a scan with the sonographer before too long, it was confirmed that I had a “mass”. The mass could really be two things. Worst case scenarios they both were. The mass was my ruptured right fallopian tube. I now only have left for luck. Thankfully, both of our boys were conceived naturally with some medication in the earlier days once we found out we were expecting with our eldest and blood pressure medication later in pregnancy for both. You would think that I would have been due some luck to have a smooth and hassle free pregnancy, but of course, this would also not be the case! I think that I have experienced most text-book examples of pregnancy conditions.

We were recommended by a friend who had also suffered two losses, to see the amazing doctor who delivered both of our boys (via c-section). I cannot thank him enough. He is simply incredible.

Our very first appointment with him around the four week mark with our eldest, I loved his preventative approach. He was caring, but clinical. Just the right balance that you hope to have in your doctor. Our former doctor was lovely too, but I do believe that we were meant to be introduced to our new doctor as well.

I took medication which did help me conceive a happy and healthy baby boy, at 37.2 weeks gestation. It was a rollercoaster ride. Gestational Diabetes, Hypertension, a Fibroid, a Low Lying Placenta, and bubba being breech. Just a few little things to add to the mix. You know what though? It was all worth it. Every single pin prick, every single appointment and scan, the reassurance to know that our bub was doing well. Despite being predicted to be a bigger baby, he was tiny 6 pounds and 11 ounces. His younger brother, was a similar size, just under 7 and 1 ounces. Both born at 37.2 days, but little Oscar didn’t arrived in a more dramatic way. He arrived via emergency c-section and had to spend the first 9 hours of his life on breathing support and having blood tests done after having trouble breathing. (He hadn’t had the steroid shots), whereas his older brother had done.

My journey to being a mother has not been an easy one. I am so very grateful to my husband and family and close friends for being there for me throughout the journey and the tribe of people we have in our live who have supported us and stood by us. You really do learn who your true friends are in life when you go through adversity. We are so very blessed. I know how lucky we are.

To all of the beautiful Mums and Dads out there who have been through a similar journey, I salute you. My heart breaks for you. Despite everyone’s journey being so unique, we can empathise with each other. I hope that all of your dreams come true. Thinking of you. Stay strong and have faith.

If you are looking for support, going through a similar journey, you can visit –

*The Pink Elephants Support Networkhttps://pinkelephantssupport.com
*Cope – http://cope.org.au/
*Bears of Hope Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support http://www.bearsofhope.org.au

Rachael Elizabeth – Editor and Founder of The Pink Jubilee xo

xo Thank you so much for taking the time to read this article. xo

This blog post article was also featured on Mamamia on May 30th, 2019.
Thank you to Mamamia for sharing my story. It means the world to me to help raise awarness.

I am one in four women. #miscarriageawarness #miscarriage #loss #family #support #blogging #sharingmystory


Today is Officially Valentine’s Day – Galentine’s Day for Some lovely ladies too x

Whatever you are doing today to spend your special day, I hope that it is everything that you have hoped that it would be. I have spent today with our two boys at home, which has been just perfect. We have eaten yummy cookies, handmade, right here in Brissy! Check out the gorgeous creations from @2chefsandacupcake. <3 xx I woke up to a beautiful Forever Friends Valentine’s Day card from hubby, which is very special for us as I was gifted a Tatty Teddy card when we had only been together a few months and still love it very much! Brent, you are my soul mate, I love you so much. Thank you for doing life with me. I am so very lucky to be spending another Valentine’s Day with you. Can’t wait for many more to come in the future!

The gorgeous red roses are from Woolworths and the Lindt Choccies (our fave, yumo!) are also from Woolies. xo


I can’t wait to share more with you all about our upcoming weekend away to The Mecure at Clear Mountain this weekend. Stay tuned for a full review and write-up, coming soon on the blog!

Lots of love,

and big hugs,

Rachael, The Pink Jubilee Editor. xo


Valentine’s Day is Just Around the Corner

Love is Love

What Will You Choose to do to Spoil Your Loved One this Year?

We hope that you all have a wonderful Valentine’s Day. xo

Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Sugar is Sweet,
And so are You!

Our Little Ollie. xo Not so little anymore.
Valentine’s Day 2019 xo  Pretty Pink Blooms. xo


What Does Valentine’s Day Mean to You? xo

I remember at high school when friends or people that might have had a crush could purchase Valentine’s Day roses, either with a name or anonymously and I remember the excitement that came with that! As silly as it might sound… (hehe) Can you just hear the inner-school girl in me right now. I was blessed to have most years (in the older years) received a rose. I felt very lucky to be surrounded by beautiful people who cared. I see Valentine’s Day, or Galentine’s Day, as a really beautiful way to show that you love someone. I know it’s commercial, yes, that’s one way of saying it and how some people might see it all and I completely get that. For most people, they are lucky to have one soul mate for life. Others might even have more than one. For the years that I had past boyfriends, sure those Valentine’s Day celebrations at the time were special too, but you simply can’t go past a Valentine’s Day with your one true love, and for me, that’s my husband of 7 years. We have been together for 12 and have known each other for long. I love you Brenton and you are my everything. You and are boys are my world. I am so very blessed to call you my Valentine each and every year. Sure, our celebrations have changed slightly over the years. From extravagant dinners, trips to New Zealand, picnics and Bollinger by lakes, you name it, we have done it. But you know what I’m really looking forward to this year?! A simple arvo/night with my hubby and our two gorgeous boys. Complete with special red and pink love heart sugar cookies, and lots of cuddles and kisses. Laughter, love and happiness is all that you need in life. And you know what? It’s absolutely free. xo <3

You don’t need to go out and buy the most expensive perfume on the self, or the latest technology gadget (I’m usually one to try and get something hubby will love) but I do love a simple red rose, or a special bunch of my fave flowers, something that shows you care, but it doesn’t have to be 12 dozen long stem roses from the most expensive online florist in the country! I think that there is so much pressure on finding the right gift or the right card, that is becomes very stressful for lots of couples. And with social media the way it has continued to grow these past few years, the expectations of what others also receive, puts pressure on couples too! For some, it might be their man or special lady proposing, or not proposing, it might be them wanting to send flowers to their beloved’s workplace. Whatever it might be, whatever hints have been dropped, be sure to do what you think is right, you do what you want to do, not what an advert says you should.

The boys and I also look forward to making some special craft gifts, with the help of our friends over at Bostik Australia. We have everything that we need, with Clag Glue and Blu Tak at the ready! I can’t wait to see the boys home-made cards, how cute that will be! There will be lots of pink (mummy’s fave colour), lots of yummy treats (pink cupcakes and cookies eat your heart out!) and lots of giggles. These are the memories and moments that will last a lifetime. Wishing you all a wonderful Valentine’s Day week. From our family to your gorgeous gang, I hope that this week is full of rainbows and sunshine. Full of yummy treats to all enjoy together and most of all, full of love, love for one another, love for others that you care so deeply for. So this week, make sure that you tell your hubby or partner that you love them. Tell your parents that you love them, your sibling/s and friends. We only get one life and I know I am one to say “I love you” a million times a day… But Valentine’s Day in my eyes is the one day that the world celebrates together. Let’s rejoice together. For one day, to have peace with everyone. How special that would be? We can only dream. In the meantime, you will find me dreaming of fresh red roses, freshly baked cookies and a glass of bubbles that I have most definitely earnt this week! Heck, before this post, I have cleaned the house and it’s sparkling. Let’s just see how long that will last for! Love and hugs. xo

We’d love to hear what you and your family have planned to celebrate. For hubby and I – this year we are hoping to still go away for a night this weekend. It’s been over a year. I was pregnant last time that we had a night away and it was for my friend’s wedding, so we can’t wait and are secretly super excited. We will for once, have a clear schedule. No, “to-do” lists, but let’s face it, my hubby who loves to have his in his wallet, probably might still have his on him. Hehe. But I can’t wait to have time just us. Back just being Rachael and Brenton. Our boys will enjoy some quality time with their grandparents and I know my mum and dad will be delighted to spend some time with their grandsons. Life’s simple luxuries are the best. It’s the things that money just simply can’t buy…

Our Top Suggestions for the Perfect Valentine’s Day Celebrations:-

*Make a little picnic for the two of you, or just your little family. Whatever you fancy! The whole family can get involved!
*Head out to dinner with your partner or the whole family (a low key soiree is often just as special as a fancy affair!) xo
*Bake Valentine’s Day cookies together, or an extra special Valentine’s Day cake
*Pick your loved one some special flowers from the garden, or order their fave balloons from your local florist (supporting local wherever you can is spreading the love throughout your community!)
*Show your friends you care, especially your single ones, by sending them a sweet message wishing them a great V’Day or G’Day and if catching up in person, get them a little gift that you know they would love!
*I love photos, it’s all about the moments and memories that make up our lives. Be sure to make a special collage for your loved ones. Choose a gorgeous frame for their bedside table. It’s the little things that are often the big things!
*Choose an experience over “things”, if you are looking to spoil your soul mate with something to “wow!” them, why not whisk them away on a romantic weekend away and arrange with their work for them to have a Thursday or Friday arvo early mark?
*Make a photo book with one of the awesome online book companies, or your local department store and tell the “Love Story” that is you guys. It will be something that you can both treasure forever and have one each! (often there are great two-for-one deals) We love Snapfish and also Kmart and Big W, as well as Harvey Norman) locally, right here in Australia. They often do canvases, as well as photo blocks, so the options are endless, you could even do a bit of everything! xo
*Head to the movies or spoil and surprise your loved one and significant other with Gold Class tickets! Hubby and I, we love nothing more than our fave movie coming out and often the big Cinema chains will do special Valentine’s Day packages.
*Head to the beach and enjoy a special seafood feast, complete with a glass of bubbles in hand from your local fish and chip eatery. Often they have cute little tables set up for special occassions such as V’Day with sweet fresh blooms too!
*Purchase your loved ones fave book, or DVD and they can snuggle up and enjoy their new gift. <3 xo
*Do something adventurous like rock-climbing, kayaking, or head to ten pin bowling for hours of fun! Ten Pin Bowling was our first date, so it certainly holds a special place in our hearts and our kids really love it too! (Especially our oldest, Ollie!)

My Special Valentine’s Day Soul Mate. xo <3

Happy Valentine’s Day and Galentine’s Day for the 14th of February 2019 Guys <3 We hope that it’s a really smashing one for you and your special someone, or in my case, my special little people, my fam bam of four. xo So beyond blessed as a mumma indeed and a very proud wife xo.

Image result for valentines day heart pink roses

Rachael, The Pink Jubilee Editor. xo

P.s: Be sure to share our V’Day fun with us and tag us – @thepinkjubilee #thepinkjubileespreadingthelove hashtag this Valentine’s Day on Facebook and Instagram. We can’t wait to see how you spend your special day, with loved ones around the globe! xo <3

Valentine’s Day 2019. Love is in the Air.

*This blog post is my own personal opinion. It is not a sponsored post. The Pink Jubilee however is collaboration with Bostik for a craft activity with our sons for the blog and our social media platforms.

Doing My Best to Juggle Motherhood, Being a Wife, and Everything Else in Life

Wearing a few different hats can be hard work. Now matter what people say, it’s a juggle. Each and every single day, we are doing so many things these days. From maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, and trying to fit in some sort of exercise regime, through to raising our beautiful children, being a doting wife, and keeping a clean household, it’s so easy to get bogged down in the daily tasks of life. Even answering emails and checking social media can be things we simply don’t have time for. Somehow though, we do make time for that. We also make time for trying to be a good friend, a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on when our friends need it the most. Some people come in and out of your life at different times, and for various reasons.

I know of late, I have spent quite some time reflecting this. We might not get to see some of our older friends as much as we would like to, but it’s not because we don’t want to, it’s just that sometimes distance, or busy lives, simply – gets in the way. Over the weekend, I caught up with my best-friend who is visiting from overseas. It was so nice to see her, to put on a nice dress and to go out and get dressed up. We didn’t necessarily “hit the town” per-say, but we enjoy a drink or two, with a nice cheese platter and talked. We chatted about everything and anything. Just how it should be in a true friendship. It was like no time had passed. Sometimes in life, it really is just what the doctor ordered. Life isn’t perfect. And quite our family relationships aren’t perfect either. Those closest to us can often hurt us, and vice versa. We sometimes let those closest to us affect us the most and you know why? Because they are usually the ones who we care about the most. That’s why we care.

On that note, I hope that whenever you read this, you remember to be kind to your loved ones. Treat people with the respect that they deserve. Don’t settle for behaviour that you think has to be a certain way – you deserve respect, you deserve the best. Do be open and honest with what you want in life. The relationships that you want to continue to nurture. Your immediate family is everything. For me, that is my husband, and my kids. They are my everything. My world. I love them dearly. xo

A Very Special Valentine’s Shoot – Collaborating with Grounded Picnics, Edenvale Wines, Pretty Frank and Lacee Froeschl Photography

Love is in the Air – Count Down to Valentine’s Day 2019 xo

How will you be celebrating this Valentine’s Day? xo

So many stunning images to choose from, but this is my overall shoot fave! It really captures the stunning colours and beautifully styled picnic table – created by the forever talented, Alana, of Grounded Picnics. Thank you Alana, Pretty Frank, Edenvale Wine, and Lacee-Ann Photography for collaborating with us – we had so much fun working with you all last Sunday! xo. #thepinkjubileevalentinesdayshoot #love – Love is in the Air, 2019. xo





To celebrate Valentine’s Day, 2019, we thought it would be great to do a fun shoot, showing all things love. The shoot day was last Sunday and the shoot happened very organically. We decided to set up our shoot at the stunning Hamilton Harbour park in Brisbane, and we asked people who were enjoying their special Sunday activities if they would like to be a part of the shoot.

We met the lovely Samantha, pictured below with her gorgeous fur-baby pooch and the beautiful Rachael and Rhianne, as well as their cute little dog too. We were so happy with the shoot and everyone had a great time. The rain clouds held off for us, and the lighting was just perfect!

A very big thank you to the amazing collaboration partners. We could not have done it without you! @GroundedPicnicsandevents, @PrettyFrank, @Edenvalewine and @Lacee-Ann Photography. We hope that you all enjoy this sneak preview below. Wishing you all a wonderful Valentine’s Day ahead for the 14th of February, 2019. xo




Love and hugs,

The Pink Jubilee Team. xo



A Bit About Our Amazing Collaboration Partners:

Edenvale Wines – Alcohol Removed – Australia’s Premier Non-Alcoholic Wine Brand

Edenvale Beverages is a privately owned company established in 2006 and founded on the philosophy of delivering innovative, profitable, high quality beverage brands to consumers worldwide. Edenvale has been developed to offer consumers a superior quality, alcohol removed Australian wine beverage of choice. Underpinning the innovative nature of our brand development philosophy is a dedication to embrace and research the latest technologies to ensure continual product enhancement. As a result of this dedication, the Edenvale range has adopted a leadership position within the Australian drinks sector.

Here at The Pink Jubilee HQ, we think that Edenvale Wines are just perfect for special occasions, such as: Baby Showers, Bridal Showers, Birthdays, Picnics in the Park, Retirement parties, and Barbecues with friends and family! The quality of the product is second to none and we know that from here on in, we’ll be sure to have some of the range stocked in our family fridge! It’s something that the whole family can enjoy together for a special toast.

*(Please note that we don’t have recommendations for a specific age, but there is 0.5% of alcohol in the range available – similar to that of what is used in grape fruit juices)
Please remember: Responsible service of alcohol applies for anyone under 18 years of age for any alcoholic beverages. Consumption is at the discretion of the consumer.

Visit www.edenvale.com.au for more information on their range and for stockists. Available throughout Coles, Woolworths, Dan Murphy’s, Local Heroes IGA, and FoodWorks Supermarkets.

Pretty Frank Candles – Pretty Frank has been in business since 2016 and for the past 3 years, have been making hand-made candles for households around Australia, as well as making some couples very happy with their stunning wedding presonalisation couples candles, as well as custom orders for the corporate sector (see info and inspo on their website for more styles for customisation). In a busy world in which we live nowadays, taking time out to appreciate the little things in my opinion, is so important. That’s why we just simply can’t go past, Pretty Frank, a brand that has it all. Helen, the very talented founder of @lightofleni was very talented with her beautiful collaboration Leonie, the Founder of Pretty Frank. After working with some amazing brands, worldwide, Leonie was very excited to work with Helen and the range for Valentine’s Day, and Galentine’s Day is simply divine in every way!

Learn more about the collaboration here. You won’t be disappointed! And tell them that The Pink Jubilee sent you! xo Be sure to visit Pretty Frank’s website, here.

“Leonie, founder of Pretty Frank…” Says…. “We’ve just launched the first collaboration for Pretty Frank and Light of Leni and could not be more excited! We’ve both worked so hard on perfecting these delightful gifts just for you, and now we’re sharing them withe the world.”

I’ve tested many different soy waxes and mixed fragrance oils to find the best performing products, which now make up The Collection.”

Glass Candle Sweet Summer

And last but not least, our amazing Grounded Picnics and Events Collaboration Partner, Alana.


Grounded Picnics and Events believe that every occasion deserves to be celebrated in style, and we simply, could not agree more!

Grounded Picnics and Events are beautifully styled pop-up picnics and gatherings with friends and loved ones, with are designed to reflect personality, style, flare and celebrate the abundance of love between guests.

All of Grounded Picnics and Events – both picnics and gatherings are custom made and designed individually. No two events will ever be exactly the same.

Pop up picnics are perfect for a couples date night, baby shower or sprinkle, kids party or birthday celebration, post wedding day recovery, a girlies get together, family gathering or a relaxing low key afternoon at your favourite location.

Grounded Picnics and Events have Two Packages to choose from:

Option 1: Back to basic Package


This option is great for those interested in minimal design.

This includes: low lying tables, rugs, cushions, table runners, and minimal decor

Option 2: Silver Luxe Package


This option includes: low lying table, rugs, cushions, dinnerware, glassware, cutlery, cloth napkins, decor, fresh flowers and cake stand.

Grounded Picnics: Deliver, setup, style, packup, clean up and collect within 30km of the Brisbane CBD. They can also cater for special events outside of the Sunshine Coast with a small delivery fee.

If you prefer a bit of DIY, Grounded Picnics + Events offers a selection of affordable items for hire – Peacock Chair, Lawn Games plus a whole lot more!

Contact the Grounded Picnics and Events team today… You can visit them on Facebook and Instagram – @groundedpicnics

“Life’s too short, so make it sparkle and have a party!”


We just love the Lacee Froeschl Photography!

The Shoot Photographer. Meet Gorgeous Lacee Ann Froeschl Photography


Photographs for the shoot were taken by Lacee Ann of Lacee Ann Photography. Lacee and I met at uni and have become great friends. She is so super talented, as you can see! Her work really does speak for itself. I love her photography style. We really enjoy working together and have worked on numerous shoots together since meeting. We can’t wait to work on some exciting collaboration shoots in the future with the lovely Alana of Grounded Picnics and Events also.

Lacee is a journalist and as you can see, a super talented photographer, who has a natural passion for all things that make memories last. From when Lacee was a little girl and was gifted her first camera from a dear neighbour, she has not looked back! Lacee is all self-taught, which in my opinion is even more impressive! Her business is self-funded and she is her one and only employee, for now. We are sure that will change in the near future as her business continues to grow, and word of mouth gets around that she is an up and coming South East Queensland photographer, who is making waves in the industry.

If I could hire Lacee full-time, I would in a heart-beat, but for now, we absolutely love working with her, for both family personal photography and also for our, The Pink Jubilee blog photography. Lacee began her journey taking photography more seriously back in 2013, “when one afternoon on a rainy day, the backyard looked so very appealing and pretty with a gorgeous rainbow shining in to the pool.” At the time, Lacee said she owned the small waterproof, compact camera and she used to the time to run around the backyard capturing some of nature’s beautiful moments after mother nature had opened the heavens for some much needed Queensland rain. It was since that very day, that Lacee has continued to build on her skill, developed her business and turned in to her very own, “start-up!”.

I completely believe that in life, you meet some people for a reason and if I hadn’t gone back to university at 34 years of age, I would never have had the opportunity to meet such a beautiful photographer and person, who I now call my friend. Our whole family loves Lacee, including our boys who get so very excited when she comes to visit. So, if you are looking for a super-talented South East Queensland photographer, then look no further than Lacee’s business. I can guarantee you, you won’t be disappointed.

You can visit beautiful Lacee Ann’s photography work via social media on Facebook and Instagram. Enjoy everyone! xo


In Lacee’s words: “I hope what you see is enjoyable, as I love to share the memories which I capture”.

Be sure to stay tuned for upcoming blog posts with future styled shoots. We have lots in store for the rest of the year and can’t wait to share the excitement with you all! <3 xo

A sneak peak of the gorgeous photos, with more to come soon!
Watch this space. xo <3
The Valentine’s Day – Galentine’s Day range collaboration with Leonie and Helen. xo
The gorgeous My Moon & My Stars Set for Valentine’s Day. (photo, supplied)
Our collaboration, featuring, Pretty Frank’s stunning My Moon, My Stars candles.
A big thank you to our lovely couple. You guys are amazing! We loved meeting you both. xo
The styled table featuring our Pretty Frank candle packaging, all beautifully boxed up, before the unveiling! xo
Edenvale wine. Is absolutely incredible! Perfect for any special occasion and the alcohol is removed! Perfect for drinking outdoors for an afternoon of chillaxing with your loved one, or for entertaining with friends. xo
The absolutely divine candles by Pretty Frank. How gorgeous is the pretty design and the theme of these little beauties?! xo #inlovewiththem xo
The beautiful styling by Alana of Grounded Picnics and on-site location of Hamilton.
A big thank you to our gorgeous fur baby model too! Too cute.
Our beautiful shoot model, Sam. Thank you so much Sam! xo
Cheers to the upcoming Valentine’s Day weekend! x
So much love for this little cutie!
The A team!
Our beautiful couple.
The lovely, Sam and her gorgeous fur baby pooch! <3
The Beautiful Styled Shoot by Grounded Picnics and The Pink Jubilee for our collaboration with Lacee Ann Photography xo

Date Nights Done Right – The Perfect Gift for Valentine’s Day <3

DATE NIGHT DONE RIGHT – Bella Box Presents Date Night Box – Just in time for Valentine’s Day 2019

Date Night Box by Bella Box

I know that since becoming a mumma of our two beautiful boys, date nights are few and far between. We used to have date nights weekly back in our pre-kids days of living inner city in our river-side apartment. We had the best cafes and restaurants that Brisbane had to offer, right on our door step. Our eldest is going to be four this year, and I can count on my two hands how many date nights we have had over the years of being proud parents. Life gets busy, we all get tired, but making time for the man that you love, or the woman that you love, does also need to take priority. This Valentine’s Day, we are heading away for the night. Thank you Nan and Pop for looking after the munchkins! We can’t wait to get dressed up, go out for dinner, have a spa treatment, eat breakky in peace and enjoy a toast of what will be our 12th Valentine’s Day together.

One thing that I struggle with at the moment, is finding that perfect outfit, heading to the shops little one free to pick up the lippy that has run out. It often is my husband trying to pick something up for me on his way home from work. Thanks hubby for being such a good sport! He really is quite good at knowing all about make up these days. (Not that he would like to admit that to his mates!) But trust me babe, you are a keeper, not many guys would stand in the make-up aisles of Priceline, Woolies or Chemist Warehouse. I salute you! Which brings me to why the Date Night Box is so amazing! All of the very best brands, and all conveniently delivered to you, right on your doorstep, and in such beautiful packaging! It’s a winner in my eyes. I know that I have already hinted to hubby as I would love something like this for my gift to tie in perfectly with our special romantic night away together. And heck, my mumma tired eyes sure do need it too! Fellow mummas out there, who agrees that a bit of lippy simply makes you feel alive again after a big night with the kids, you want to feel beautiful, you want to feel alive again and beautiful. In my opinion, Bella Box does that. Well done to Sarah and Emily, the founders of Bella Box, I love the concept and I am sure that your business is going to continue on to have great success. The Date Night Bella Box is such amazing value! Only $59.95 with product value worth $230! AMAZING! xo

More About Bella Box – The Only Choice Your Loved One Needs to Make When Gift Giving this V’Day! They will be Getting Bonus Brownie Points for Getting this Gorgeous Package Sneakily Delivered to Home or Work!

Date nights are stressful enough without worrying about your makeup – something leading beauty box subscription service bellabox Australia knows all too well. Collaborating with international makeup artist Sharon Farrell, bellabox has launched its limited edition Date Night box, containing everything a girl needs to put her best face forward on any date.

Available to purchase separately to subscription, and featuring a range of so-hot-right-now products that work together to create the perfect look, literally every step of your date night prep has been thought of for you. From moisturiser to face masks, false lashes to a lip shade that will literally suit every skintone, and from the ultimate fragrance to hairspray that makes flyaways a thing of the past, the Date Night box has been curated by a pro, and the step by step instructions from Sharon will ensure you’ll also look like one.

“One of the things I’ve seen over and over during my years as a make-up artist is the stress women go through getting ready for a date,” Sharon says. “It’s been wonderful to work with bellabox to curate a fool-proof collection of beauty products that will ensure women will look their best regardless of if they’re heading out for a first date, a date with friends, or a night out with their long term partner.”

Complete with product tips and a step-by-step get the look tutorial, the Date Night box is the result of careful consideration and expert selection, and means that instead of worrying about your make-up before you head out, you’ll spend your date knowing you look incredible.

Absolutely stunning! Loving all of the gorgeous goodies inside the new Date Box By Bella Box. Perfect for Valentine’s Day ladies!

Check out Sharon’s Date Night how-to here.

Available:           Out Now

RRP:                   $59.95 (product value $230)

Buy now:            https://bellabox.com.au/date-night-limited-edition-box

Bellabox was founded in 2011 by twin sisters, Sarah and Emily Hamilton, who wanted to give Australian women a way to treat themselves every month to a beauty box that takes the guess-work out of searching for their new favourite products. With so many options in stores, they found a way to introduce their customers to the best products that suit a busy lifestyle, with the delight of a gift just for themselves every single month. Now every woman can be at the forefront of beauty trends and techniques from Australia and across the globe.

Represented by Sydney-based Kin, Sharon Farrell is a professional makeup artist and Founder of The Online Makeup School. With over a decade of experience as a pro makeup artist, she shares insider makeup and beauty tips with followers from around the world through her YouTube channel and online makeup courses. As a new mum, she has perfected the 5 minute makeup look and loves to share her shortcuts to looking and feeling fabulous. Kin Community represents talent with the mission helping women feel positive about the lives they are building, Kin’s creator community also includes Tina Yong, LaurDIY and Canna Campbell.

So many beautiful products! Love them all. The perfect gift in my eyes.

The full list of Date Night box contents and tips is as follows:

  • Jergens Natural Glow + Firming Daily Moisturiser
  • Real Techniques Mini Expert Face Brush
  • Blaq Mask Hyaluronic Acid Eye Masks
  • Lancome Advanced Genifique Serum
  • MAC Cosmetics Strobe Cream
  • Clinique High Impact Mascara
  • Eye of Horus Bio Lipstick in Vesta Red
  • Eye of Horus Smokey Black Goddess Pencil
  • Ardell Faux Mink Lashes
  • Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist
  • Aveda air control™ Hairspray
  • Acqua di Parma Nobile
  • Clarins Lip Comfort Oil
  • Manna Kadar Paradise Blush

Sharon’s Tips:

Exfoliate in the shower before using the Jergens Natural Glow + Firming Daily Moisturiser and be sure to wash your hands after to avoid tanned palms!

Try the Real Techniques Mini Expert Face Brush for all your base products, I love to use mine for everything from primer to cream blush.

Keep your Blaq Mask Hyaluronic Acid Eye Masks in the fridge for extra de-puffing power. They feel especially good on tired eyes.

Take a minute to really massage the Lancome Advanced Genifique Serum before applying makeup to stimulate blood flow and get skin looking extra plump and fresh.

MAC Cosmetics Strobe Cream is a gorgeous on the face – either all over or as a strategic highlighter – and it looks amazing on the body too. Who doesn’t want shiny collarbones?

Try wiggling the Clinique High Impact Mascara wand into the roots of the lashes before pulling through the ends to deposit maximum product near the lashline – smoky eyes in a flash.

Eye of Horus Bio Lipstick in Vesta Red is the perfect classic red on the lips and also makes a beautiful rosy blush. Apply a small dab to the apples of your cheek before powdering and blend with your Real Techniques Mini Expert Face Brush

 Line your inner water-lines with the Eye of Horus Smokey Black Goddess Pencil and smudge with the attached sponge for a 10 second smoky eye that will not budge all day or night.

If you struggle to apply false lashes try snipping your Ardell Faux Mink Lashes in two and applying them in halves.

Spritz skin with Jurlique Rosewater Balancing Mist before and after makeup for extra hydration and fresh dewy skin.

Hold the Aveda air control™ Hairspray about 15 cm away from your hair before spraying for a fine mist that holds but won’t feel sticky or crunchy.

 Apply Acqua di Parma Nobile to your pulse points (wrists, neck, behind the knees) for fragrance that lingers all day.

Wear Clarins Lip Comfort Oil alone or over lipstick for a high gloss effect that’s not sticky and keeps your pout hydrated all day.

Try sweeping Manna Kadar Paradise Blush lightly over your lids for a subtle rosy tone that ties in perfectly with your cheeks.


Get in quick ladies and gents, as this gorgeous limited edition Date Night Bella Box won’t last long! Order now, to receive in time for Valentine’s Day!