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Month: May 2019

A Special Photography Shoot- Sharing Some Images that are Close to My Heart – Captured by Lacee Froeschl

Shooting a special campaign with my Beautiful friend, Lacee Froeschl – A Sunday afternoon we spent recently, chasing the sun… xo

The flowers were grown in our home garden and freshly picked ahead of our shoot. It was lovely to have them as part of the shoot. Flowers hold such a special meaning in so many cultures. Baby Breath for instance represent: A symbol of everlasting love, pureness, and innocence. These flowers are formed with delicate white clusters. They are often also used in wedding bouquets. Even though the flowers I’m holding aren’t exactly Baby Breath, they are very similar, and like Baby Breath, come from the native Australian country. Given the special and secret meaning behind this shoot, they are just perfect in every way.

Five years ago this week, my husband and I suffered our second loss. Prior to being blessed with our beautiful boys, we suffered the devastating loss of our two angel babies. It was a very dark time going through the grieving process and still to this day, of course we grieve. Grieve the babies who we never got to meet in person, grieve what could have been. We are however, so very eternally blessed to now be the proud parents of our beautiful boys, Ollie and Oscar. Our angle babies will also, never be forgotten and will always be with us, in our hearts, forever and always. Thinking of you both. Love Mummy. xo

Before and after editing. Thank you so much for sharing the process, Lacee! We just love working with you. You are so passionate about what you do! xo I first met Lacee under a year ago, but I feel like I have known her for years. Lacee and I are 13 years a part in age, but we feel like the same age.

It’s wonderful to have formed a beautiful new friendship and for her to have also been a part of another special project late last year for a charity campaign, called #miscarriagematters with The Pink Elephants Support Network, an Australian based, national foundation helping support women and their families through loss.
I was a part of a national video sharing my story of, “Why miscarriage mattered to me?” I hope to continue to raise awareness on what was once a more taboo topic of talking about the losses which women have experienced. Through my own experience, I have found writing about my experience something, which has really helped me greatly. My therapy so to speak.

For more of Lacee’s beautiful work, please visit her Facebook and Instagram pages: @laceefroeshl. #laceefroeshl.

Photos taken locally in Rachael’s home suburb. xo Love this pretty time of day with the sun shining through, just right before sunset!

Captured on Sunday, the 19th of May, 2019, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Memories to treasure forever, lasting moments.

For the shoot, the finer little details to share with you all: I was wearing a Review Australia pretty dusty pink sparkle dress, complete with my Review signature black cardigan, and a lovely little pretty and colourful floral spring time inspired scarf, as we are currently leading in to the Australian Winter, this was absolutely perfect for this time of year. I also wore some very special jewellery which holds special meaning. My Review pink diamante earrings are so beautiful and girly and make me feel so very feminine when I wear them. I love my new little silver Pandora charm, which I was gifted for Mother’s Day recently, “Beloved Mother”, as well as my gorgeous little angel baby charm bracelet. Something, which I hold dear to my heart. Jewellery to me is so meaningful. Just like flowers, it represents something so very special indeed. It tells a little story. xo <3 3> xo

  • Disclaimer: These images are copyrighted to The Pink Jubilee blog and cannot be used, reproduced or printed without prior permission being sought by the writer, Mrs Tickner, or by the commissioned photography of Lacee Froeshl.

    Written by The Pink Jubilee’s Editor, Rachael Elizabeth Tickner. xo

Bostik – The Perfect Craft Partner for Kids and Family Craft Activities

Creating Creative Memories with the Little Ones

Bostik craft glues and Bostik Blue-Tak are what I grew up with. I remember being a little girl myself, around eight years of age when I would enjoy special craft projects with my little sister and friends from school. I even fondly remember the Bostik Clag glue oh so well when our beginning of the school year term was on the shopping list at the newsagency or the school book shop. And now, times might have changed, but my trust and fondness has only grown since I have had my two beautiful boys, Ollie and Oscar. Over the coming weeks. I can’t wait to share with you some special craft projects. Be sure to watch this space guys! xo

  • Written by Rachael Elizabeth, The Pink Jubilee, Founder and Editor.

Tilley Australia Candles – The Beautiful Gift for a Friend, Mum, or Loved One

A Great Gift – Perfect for the friend who has everything and your other half who needs that something special! xo

I love the beautiful packaging. It has such gorgeous branding. The candles are just perfect for a nice relaxing spa bath, (complete with a rewarding glass of pink bubbles of course! hehe). The bath bombs are just delightful too! I can’t get enough of the brand. Give me a beautiful pamper gift, such as the Tilley Australia range any day!

For mums who need some time to relax and unwind, these candles are just perfect. As are the soaps, the range has so much to choose from, whether you want to enjoy a beautiful scented candle to help relax you, or a lovely bath bomb with a delicious smell and flavour! There is something that suits everyone’s tastes. Be sure to check out the range for yourself.

The Tilley Australia candles truly are so beautiful. They are such beautiful quality. The Toasted Marshmallow is just divine!

Love these beautiful gift options. Tilley Australia has you covered. A brand that you can trust, with beautiful pieces that your loved one will just adore!

I love to do lots of special gatherings for friends and family and can’t wait to utilise the special Tilley candles for my upcoming birthday brunch celebration with friends!

Images: Captured by the very talented, Lacee, Lacee-Ann of Lacee-Ann Froeschl Photography. xo

Blog post by, The Pink Jubilee Founder, Rachael Elizabeth. xo May 2019. xo

Mother’s Day Memories with our Families for 2019 – #MothersDay2019

How did you and your family choose to spend Mother’s Day this year for 2019?

Whatever you did, I hope that it was absolutely and positively, full of love, laughs and most of all, good and fond memories.

I know for me, Life is so precious, Every SINGLE DAY! is a gift and I know that being with family is what is most important to me. I will never ever take family for granted, and nor should you. For we only get the one family. xo


My beautiful Mum and Dad. xo

Mum, you are my best-friend. I love you with all of my heart. xo Thank you so much for being you. I am such a lucky eldest daughter to have you in my life.

The gorgeous rose garden at New Farm Park is SO pretty! I have always wanted to take time out to appreciate it and after a lovely lunch with family at The Waterloo Hotel, that’s exactly what we did. The weather truly was picture perfect. The families and friends around us, too were creating memories that will last a lifetime. After all, isn’t that what life is all about? I hope that every day spent with my mum is one which she treasures and cherishes, just as much as I do! xo <3

Being a mother has taught me many things. Being kind, being compassionate, being someone who understands others and tries to have empathy. I honestly do try and be the best version of me. The best version of myself. I try and help people where I can. I try and grow each and every day. I will ALWAYS try. ALWAYS. xo

Written by, Rachael, The Pink Jubilee’s Founder and Editor. xo



18 Months of Loving You – Our Little Oscar Bear

Oscar William, you light up our lives, each and every single day. We love you beyond comprehension buddy! xo

I can’t believe that merely 18-months-ago, I was giving birth to you, our beautiful son. I love you beyond measure. We all do. You are our absolute everything!

Thank you for being you and for bringing us so much joy in this world!

I love how the beautiful afternoon sun shines through on this image. So very special.











Love you to the moon and back my little Oscar William. Forever our little baby boy. xo











Discovering the big wide world is your thing. You do it with such glee in your eyes and your cheeky little smile captivates all who you meet!












Oscar William








Wondering around the world and discovering new things daily. <3








That cheeky little smile, it melts our hearts, all day and every day! l love you. xo

For more blog updates: Make our blog one of your favourites! <3 xo

Disclaimer:*These blog images are copyright to: The Pink Jubilee. Please do not reproduce this blog content without seeking prior permission. Thanking you in advance.

Visit: http://www.thepinkjubilee.com.au

Pixie Dust Calligraphy – The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift







Gift Your Mum Something Extra Special

The most beautiful Rose Quartz Coasters – they were $60 and now $50. They are beautifully handmade from rose quartz crystal with gold rim on the surrounding. They are about 7mm thick.

Due to nature, each piece is different in shape and size. They are rare to create, therefore, production takes time.

If you wish to order a larger quantity, it’s recommended to contact the beautiful Charlotte so she can advise if the order can be processed with stock on hand.

So if you haven’t found your mum the perfect gift yet and you don’t mind if it’s a later gift for her receiving the gorgeous package, then this could be exactly what you have been looking for! For more information on these amazing products, visit Pixie Dust Calligraphy. You can check out there amazing website here:


About Pixie Dust Calligraphy

Pixie Dust Calligraphy was formed from a labour of love which founder, Charlotte found a passion for after working on her own wedding calligraphy. Seeing a niche in the market, she decided to start her own business and offering her services to other bride and grooms for their special invitations and wedding related stationary. Since then, the business has grew to feature client activations with a variety of high profile brands. Pixie Dust Calligraphy also feature calligraphy writing workshops and offer these via their website, with upcoming listed locations available online and their social media pages. It really is such a special service and one, which I personally, can’t wait to try!


Mother’s Day is Only Four Sleeps Away!

With Mother’s Day just four sleeps away, it’s such a special time indeed. Mums all around the world, especially in the USA and Australia, will be being treated to lots of lovely treats and gifts by their nearest and dearest. Being a Mother truly is such a special journey. Every day is a gift and I absolutely love the experience. How will you be spending your special weekend? I will be enjoying a nice lunch with my mum and dad, the kids and hubby at a local pub which we are looking forward to very much. However you choose to spend the day, it’s spending it with loved ones that is most important. That’s all that matters. Being with those that you love.

Mother’s Day 2019, a day to celebrate and a day to appreciate mums and all that they do for us. Thank you to my gorgeous mum too. I know how lucky I am to have her in my life, as my sister knows how lucky she is also.








My beautiful mum and little sister, whilst I was pregnant at my baby shower with our little Oscar. xo

5 Years this Month since my Second loss- Our Ectopic Pregnancy Journey – Remembering Our Beautiful Angel Baby – Chesnut xo

This month 5 years ago was such a turmoil one for me. For my husband and I. It’s 16 more days and restless sleeps until the anniversary day that we sadly said goodbye to our second baby. I will be doing a lot of reflecting again this year, as I do each and every year. I remember the 3rd of May as the key date where I saw the two positive pregnancy lines for the very first time. Then on Mother’s Day, May 11th of 2014, at my close friend’s wedding reception, I started to have bleeding. I was scared of course, but I tried to not let it ruin the night. I really should have gone to hospital that night, but I didn’t. I chose not to. I’d had a big day helping with some pre-wedding little bits and pieces.

The week that followed saw about 6 days of testing. Some testing which I pushed for and other testing, which the doctor recommended too. Blood tests, an ultrasound which I requested and also a voluntary trip to the hospital emergency department before I ended up in the emergency department (two different hospitals). My OB at the time (different OB to who delivered our boys) thought I was having a natural miscarriage based on my description. I wish that I had of been seen earlier as I never actually did see my OB, but she was very understanding on the phone once we told her what had happened. I had to have my operation at the public hospital we had presented to, despite being in private health. In high sight, I would have gone to the other hospital, but I went to the first and closest one at the time. I also wish I had listened to the home doctor and taken am ambulance rather than choose to get a cab as we had no car at the time either, living so close to the city. So many, “what-ifs”… but let’s face it, the “what -if’s” would not have changed the outcome of our fate. I was having a second loss of our much-wanted baby and sadly, we will never know if that little baby was a girl or a boy, but I was and still am convinced that it was a little girl.

After much uncertainty and anxiety, I was diagnosed with a mass, on and around my right ovary. I was in so much agony as my right fallopian tube at ruptured. I had to have emergency surgery to remove my tube, but thankfully, they could save my ovary and I was able to still have our boys naturally.

I remember the university students/registrars and top doctors, all coming in to my room to discuss what was happening. The doctor who performed the surgery was quite young and I actually think he went on to open his own OB practise if I’m correct. I still have the physical and emotional scares from May 21st and the month that endured the heartache, but as mums know who have lost a baby, the grief only really just begins. The hopes and dreams for that little one were given life as soon as you know you were pregnant. Seeing and hearing the heartbeat as we did with our first son, makes it even more difficult and for my husband and I to have suffered two losses within 6 months of one another, looking back, I can see how I spiralled in to a dark place in the years that followed. It’s only now, that we have been blessed with our two gorgeous boys, that I see the light at the end of the tunnel, the light that I knew was always there, but had to find. xo

Yesterday was International Bereaved Mother’s Day, May 5th, 2019. I know also am aware of October 15th each year, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. One in four pregnancies which are recognised, end in miscarriage. That’s a massive statistic. I am one of those statistics. Twice over. I know women who have had many more miscarriages too. Some have been lucky enough to go on to have healthy children, other’s have sadly never been blessed with the gift of being a mum. Life really can be sbo unfair at times. I think of every family who has ever been affected by a loss of a child. No matter what the gestation age of your baby, you were a mum to be, or a dad to be and nothing or no one can ever take that away. Until you meet your beautiful baby again in heaven, God Bless. xo



Rachael, writer of this article and also the Editor of The Pink Jubilee. xo