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Month: December 2019

Christmas Fun with the Whole Family x

December and the Silly Season is Vast Upon Us! 2019 Festive Vibes. Our Little Festive Blog Post this Xmas Season xxoo <3 The Pink Jubilee Blog xoxo

As we do every year, we will be thinking of our beautiful Flutterby Babies who forever are watching over us, above. xo

Looking back on the year that was. 2019. Can’t wait for Xmas Day and the brand NY that lies ahead. xo

How do you spend the festive season with your family? Share with us your special traditions, we would love for you to drop us a line! xoxo

There is so much lead-up time to the big date in the special December calendar, of that of December 25th. We all try our best to get the perfect gifts for loved ones, and create the perfect memories. It’s the memories and the special moments from throughout the year, which truly mean the most to me. I know that the moments of the festive season, are even more special, as we are watching the little ones open their gifts from Santa. Their Christmas little wishes have been answered. They have been so very patient with their counting down, the parents have been in a mad rush to get everything, “just so”, and family is visiting from all around. I know that I wouldn’t change a thing though. For Xmas comes and passes so quickly each year. It truly does. The magic of Christmas and all of the Christmas spirit that it entrails, is something that feels so special. It’s magic. It’s something that can’t be measured always in numbers, it’s the way it makes us feel. No amount of Christmas gifts under the Xmas tree can measure up to the single look of Christmas love of the little munchkins’ faces come Xmas morning. It’s something that can’t be bottled up and sold. Everyone’s magic is different. Take time to enjoy every moment of the holidays. I know that there have been Xmas times in the past where I have worked hectic retail sales periods, and I have felt so burnt out and that’s not what Xmas is about. Xmas is about putting family and your loved ones who are dear to you first. Time with your nearest and dearest, checking Santa’s list twice and making sure that everything is nice. The tree is up, the fridge is full, the bellies are fuller. It’s the memories we can create together, that are the priceless gift of Xmas. xo #magicalxmastime #wishingyouallaverymerryfestiveseason #fromourfamilytoyours #thisyearwillflybyjustlikelastyeardid #makeeachdayoftheholidayscount #xocreatemomentswithyourfamilyandfriends xo #timeisprecious #maketimeforlovedones #eatanddrinkandbemerry #spoilyourselveswithnotjustniceandsentimentalgiftsbutloveandappreciationforeachother #itsyouandyourfamilyandfriendswhoaremostimportant. #love #life #2019 #december #christmasinaustralia #christmasintheuk #originallyfromtheuk #ahotandsunnyxmas #versesachillyandcomfortablenorthhemispherexmasday #partytimeforall #celebrationstobehadandshared xo <3

What would you grant someone if they were able to have their one Xmas wish? Do you have a special pay it forward Xmas wish that you would love to share with others? If you had the power to give, what would you give? xxx

Pinterest for tree style – my fave! xo

Pinterest love! x

Such cute wrapping paper inspo for someone special in your life who loves that something a little bit different! Totally loving the Palm Springs vibes here. I think this wrapping would be perfect for home-wares. xoxox

This is my fave Xmas Tree Pinterest find! Just perfection and so my style. Girly and festive with so much sweetness and elegance, all rolled in to one! Just love this look in every way. Swooning over this pretty, festive styling look! xxoo

Bless this ever-so-beautiful Xmas tree. I just couldn’t go past the little Eiffel Tower Xmas decoration at the bottom! We got engaged in Paris over 8 years ago and I love it so much. I hope that one day, if we are ever blessed with a little girl, that this tree can be in her room! <3 xo

Xmas is for loving and caring for one another, being kind to others and spreading the festive cheer. xo

Everyone is unique, everyone has a gift. Let your inner-soul shine this festive season. Be the magic of Xmas! xo

I was born in the UK, so I like to think that each year, even though in just the one country, technically we get two Xmas Days! To celebrate here in Australia with our immediate family and to also enjoy the festive season with our loved ones virtually by phoning my beautiful Nan in the UK on her Xmas morning to wish her a wonderful festive day ahead with our English loved ones xxx. xxoo

From our little family to yours. xoxo Merry Xmas for 2019! xx

Love this Pinterest pretty x

Wishing these pretty blooms were being delivered to me for Xmas! We can only dream. Hehe. Pinterest inspo find again! xo

Our fave traditions at Xmas time include:-

*Making ginger bread houses
*Getting personalised Xmas baubles made for each year for the family
*Having special family Xmas photos taken if we can each year
*On Xmas Eve, we usually exchange one special little gift for one another, ahead of Xmas morning. It’s an English tradition and one which is very dear to us. We will watch Carols in the Domain on the TV, if it is on and we will also listen to beautiful Xmas carols. The kids will go to sleep at a reasonable hour, and we will help them prepare some very special treats for Santa, Mrs Claus, and Rudolf and his lovely reindeer friends! xxoo

It’s so lovely how Ollie, our eldest son understands the magic of Xmas so much more no, it’s just lovely. I can’t wait to see the pure joy and excitement on the boys’ faces come Xmas morning. I have a secret to share with you though, I have not done one once of Xmas Shopping as yet! My goodness, how terrible is that. I know, sigh… each year I say that I will get better and become more organised. Sadly, it really never happens. Will make sure that 2020 is different, haha. Famous last words. I do however, love the excitement with the last minute running around. This year after some health issues the past few months and with some downtime, I’m sure that this Xmas will be just that bit extra special for my family and I. I’m slowly but surely starting to feel better and to come out of the fog. I don’t share everything here on social media, and I think that it’s good to keep some things more private, but I will share some more on that in the NY, as I do think that it will hopefully help some other women out there. Health is so important and your health really is your wealth in life. Well-being is truly everything! xo

Love is Where the Heart is. Christmas time is no exception. Spread the love this festive season. Smile at strangers,How gorgeous are these colours! So pretty for an Aussie Xmas and cute little blooms for any festive table centerpiece. xox hug your families that much tighter, be grateful. Be so happy that it hurts. xo

We hope that all of your dreams and wishes come true. xo We look forward to sharing our journey with you again in 2020. Thank you so much for supporting us. xo

Xmas vibes and 2020 feels! Affirmations to live by in the upcoming new decade! xoxo

Festive wishes. xo Thinking of you all over the festive season. xoxo Have the best time on Xmas Day. xxoo Travel safe to visit family and on your holiday adventures. xxoox


Wishing you a very Merry Xmas and a Safe and Happy Festive Season. All of our love from The Pink Jubilee team. Big hugs and take care. See you all in 2020 for a beautiful and bright new decade of love and laughter. xo

Rachael Elizabeth Tickner, Editor of The Pink Jubilee Blog and Author of Flutterby Baby Book, Forever in Our Hearts, Director of Rachael Elizabeth Consulting and Freelance Journalist. Also loves to dable in beauty, over at Beauty Box, by Rachael Elizabeth, with TEAM 90210 #90210. #TPJ #Flutterbybabybookauthor #rachaelelizabethconsulting #rachaelelizabethconsultingpr #rachaelelizabethauthor #rachaelelizabethwriter #ticknerpublishing xo

As the Year Draws To a Close – I Reflect on the Year that Was – 2019 You Were Bitter Sweet – 2020, I’m Ready for You! Bring on the Journey

Embrace, Elegance, Excitement. My Three Words for 2020! xo <3

Pretty Pink Pastels. I love how flowers bloom. The breath of the trees, nature keeps me grounded. xo

To New and Beautiful Beginnings in 2020! The Future of the Unknown – Exciting to be starting a whole new chapter – one which can bring so much joy, abundance and grace. #myyearis2020 #yesitis #sayitwithme #love #lovelymoments #life #happiness #joy #peace #innerlove #innerpeace #writer #blogging #capturingmomentstotreasureforever #thisisme #ilovemylife #allofitandmore #watchmesmile x

This year has been full of ups and downs. Mostly ups, but lots of downs too. A year of growth, of learning to embrace each and every day with an open heart. A year of extra wisdom and learnings. Some of the year I saw coming, other parts not at all. The magic of life, never knowing what is next… Being grateful to wake up each day and have a whole new page to be written.

The year started with me graduating university (second time around) after going back to uni to study some social media subjects at my original university and to gain some extra insight and qualifications. From that experience, I made a beautiful new friend, which I am forever grateful.

I celebrated my Dad’s birthday, mum’s 60th birthday, my husband’s birthday and my sister’s 30th, a gorgeous picnic high tea for both special occasions for the special women in my life. Not to mention our gorgeous boys turning the big 4 and the big 2! A Toy Story and Dinosaur party.

Mother’s Day came and was a really lovely day. A day that means so much to me now. In May I also started something which I had wanted to bring to life for the past few years. A gift book to help other mums who had been through loss. Flutterby Baby Book was born. I am so very proud of all of the book project. So much so, I can’t wait to write another book. I even have the name of that book, ready to go and registered as its ISBN number. I also have lots of other books that I hope to publish in the future, kids ones included. I can’t wait to see where the journey of publishing takes me. I hope that my writing can continue to grow and flourish. I truly do. xo

July saw me celebrate my birthday with some friends. Some of those friends have been with me throughout the year, others have drifted off when I’ve needed them most. I have learnt a lot about friendships this year. More than ever. As you reach each birthday and get another year older, you realise who is important to you and who you consider family. There are only a handful of people who I consider my true, true friends. Who have been through life’s darkest and brightest moments. With social media these days, so many of us seek validation secretly from the platform, even if we don’t like to admit it. I have always been very candid and raw with my posting, perhaps even too so, but always try to beam positivity and light. Sometimes you help others and show them support, not expecting to get back what you give out, but hoping when the time comes, that people step up. Sadly, in recent months, people who I thought would be there for me more with my health journey, haven’t been. I get it though, everyone has busy lives, I think though that we often hold on to what friendships used to be, and you hope that one day they can be the same but in reality, friendships change, relationships change. If I could tell me 21 year old self something, it would be to never doubt yourself. I have always remained true to myself, always humble, always loyal, always hard working. Has it gotten me places? In some ways yes, in other ways no. Can I sleep at night knowing I’m a good person with a good heart? Yes. I truly can. But I also need to do a lot of work on myself in 2020. It’s a new decade, a new year, a new me. A new everyone really. For none of us are exactly the same person that we were yesterday, and tomorrow and the next day we will be differently people slightly again. For not matter what age that we are, we are all growing, all going through life’s ups and downs. Some people more than others. My beautiful Nan, who lives in the UK. She is 93 and still as sharp as an Ox. I love her and admire her so very much. She is one of my best-friends in the world. I miss her very much. I hope that I will see her again before not too long. Fingers and toes crossed. Xo

This year has most definitely been my most resilient yet. I’ve had to be. I had received some health news which scared me, it truly did. I am now okay, I am going to be alright. I am going to have regular monitoring to ensure that the future will be okay too. <3 xo Prevention and early detection is key. My body has been through a lot the past three months, emotionally and physically. The experience has made me review my life my closely. To work out what I want. The type of person I want to be. The type of people who I want to invest my precious time in. As all of our time is precious, we only get the one life. It’s no stage show dress rehearsal. We have to embrace each day. The good, the bad and the ugly. I sincerely encourage you to do the same as the near year draws closer. Reevaluate your life. What is important to you? What makes your heart sing? Who makes your heart smile? What dreams do you have to conquer, what bucket-list dreams do you want to tick off? It’s so easy to get caught up in the small stuff. To be so busy to miss what is important, right there in front of you. Family, watching your kids grow up. Being present for them and for yourself. I admit I need to work on that even more too. Trying to be a good mum, a good wife, a good friend, it’s so easy to spread ourselves too thin. We must release all that no longer serves us, for bottling it all up is not good for our soul. I sit here and am writing this as a new week is about to begin. I am taking a big breath and picturing a positive week. Not focusing on the time that has been wasted or the things that didn’t go right, for we learn from both the good and the bad times in life. The little mundane things to the very big things. We never know what is around the corner. I never imagined a lot of things that happened this year. Both with our family and to people we know also. It goes to show how precious life is, yet again. We never know the cards that we will be dealt. None of us can control the future. We just have to have faith, trust and believe that the universe has our back. For me, whenever I see a pretty butterfly. I feel calm. I feel like all is on track and all will be okay. It’s only been in recent years that I notice these little things more. I can tell when the moon is a certain phase about how I feel, or how it affects my sleep, or the kids sleep for that matter. I feel more spiritual than ever before, but I’m still yet to master meditation and mindfulness. Perhaps that is next on the big life list for me. To give myself more nurturing time. More self-love. To be guided by my angel numbers and dates that I hold so dear. To listen to my inner voice, my heart, my soul. <3 And most of all. TRUST. I am about to start a new job which I am so very excited for. A blessing that came as an opportunity just at the right time – a role I’m so very passionate about.

A piece of the old me coming back again – pre-mum and pre-wife. I hope that the next decade is all you hope for.. and more! Be sure to chase your dreams, to take the chances, to keep your cups and hearts ever so full! xo Watch this space, exciting things are coming, I can’t wait to share more with you soon. Thank you for following along on our journey, I am so grateful to each and every one of you. I look forward to hearing of you too, taking chances in life, following your dreams and most of all – following your heart. Letting life lead you to exactly where you are meant to be. Right now at this time in your life and embracing all you have to do, to get there.

Editor xo
Rachael, The Pink Jubilee. xo

Flutterby Baby Book, Forever in Our Hearts – Written by Rachael Tickner, Our Pink Jubilee Editor

Flutterby Baby Gift Book, Forever in Our Hearts – A Book to Help Women and Their Families Through Early Pregnancy Loss xo <3

On November 13th, 2019, 6 years to the day that our Editor, Rachael Tickner found out that her and her husband where expecting, they launched Rachael’s first book, Flutterby Baby Book, Forever in Our Hearts.

Flutterby Baby Gift Book is now available at Harry Hartog’s Sunshine Plaza in Maroochydore, QLD and also available online as well. (www.flutterbybabybook.com.au)

Five dollars for every book purchased will be donated to The Pink Elephants Support Network. You can learn more about the charity, here: www.miscarriagesupport.org.au. #pinkelephantssupportnetwork @pinkelephantssupport #miscarriagematters #earlypregnancyloss #circleofsupport #supportingmotherswhohavebeenthroughearlypregnancyloss #lifeafterloss #flutterbybabygiftbook #foreverinourhearts <3 xo

Flutterby Baby Book is out now

Flutterby Baby Book x

Flutterby Baby Book has both a beautiful E-Book Download option available and also a hard cover book which has been beautifully hand-crafted and illustrated, as well as produced, right here in Brisbane, QLD.

Flutterby Baby Gift Book, Forever in Our Hearts. Photograph taken in Rachael’s home town of beautiful Brisbane.

To learn more about Flutterby Baby Book, you can visit:- www.flutterbybabybook.com.au.

December 3rd, 2013, Rachael and her husband, Brenton Tickner, saw and heard their beautiful little Flutterby Baby’s heart beat for the very first time. Sadly, it would be the one and only time that they would hear their son’s heartbeat. Little Chickpea, Forever in Our Hearts. With Love. xo

December 5th, 2013, Rachael and Brenton told their family about their impending arrival, only to have their hearts broken just weeks later at their OB appointment. Rachael and Brenton both advocate for miscarriage awareness being raised and the subject not being as taboo as it has been in previous years. Speaking openly about their journey, Rachael hopes that it helps other families not feel as alone. xo 

For the month of December, 2019, we are gifting 4 books to Flutterby Baby Mums. If you know of a mum who has sadly suffered a pregnancy loss, please visit our @Flutterbybabygiftbook social media pages. Flutterby Baby, Forever in Our Hearts, a gift book that gives back. Helping Mums and their Families with comforting words of support. #Flutterbybabygiftbook #foreverinourhearts #miscarriagematters #youarenotalone #giftbook #agiftbookthatgivesback #consistsofminichaptersofsupport #comfortingwords #beautifulheartfeltillustrations #Ticknerpublishing #writtenbyauthorrachaeltickner #outnowinhardcopyandebookdownloadversions xo

You can follow Flutterby Baby Gift Book, on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. Flutterby Baby Book’s blog has Q and A interviews with everyone who helped bring the special gift book to life. <3 xo

Our beautiful gift book is now on sale at Harry Hartog’s Maroochydore, at Sunshine Plaza.

xo Flutterby Baby Gift Book, Forever in Our Hearts xo

The Pink Elephants Support Network is an amazing charity which helps women through their journey of early pregnancy loss. We are so very grateful to have The Pink Elephants Support Network as our chosen charity. xo <3

Visit www.flutterbybabybook.com.au for more information.