Welcome to 2020 guys! I hope your year is off to an incredible start so far and everyone is nice and happy and healthy! <3
Ours has been a very busy one indeed! We started with the beloved iPad of almost 4 years accidentally being thrown out and sent to landfill. 🙁 Poor Ollie our eldest still misses it and it wasn’t the best time for it to be lost forever, but perhaps in our attempt to keep it “safe” after the cover came off and it was popped in a Woolies bag and tied and put on the kitchen table for hubby to fix when he got home, I’m beginning to think it was meant to be. It was an anniversary of one of our losses too and to be honest, I don’t think my mind was where it should have been. Despite losing some precious memories, we can replace the device to a newer model, and that’s all that matters. When we lose something close to us, material things, they can always be replaced. It’s people who we sadly can’t replace and that is my motto for this year. To be present with the people I love and care about. Perhaps we should all experience our technology hiccup of the thrown away iPad, as the weeks over Christmas and well into January, have allowed us to reconnect as a family. To make the most of the precious time that’s been 43 days and counting….
Wishing you and your family a beautiful weekend ahead. In 3 days time, I plan to have some down time, for a short few hours anyway! We have a weekend of work planned for me, mixed with a little one’s 3rd birthday to all enjoy with some beautiful family friends and then next weekend, hopefully hubby and I can enjoy some date night time together as my parents plan to watch the boys overnight. (Goldclass, here we come!) Here’s to hoping you all get some rest too! xo
- Rachael Elizabeth Tickner
Editor and Founder of TPJ xo