The Garbage Trucks are Coming

Our boys love seeing the garbage truck each and every Thursday when the garbage truck passes by the house and collects the garbage. It’s a highlight of our week and one which is greeted with much excitement. When we received the gift book it was so awesome to be able to read it with the kids and count down the days until the next garbage collection run. The boys always wave and say a big hello! “Hello Mr Garbageman, thank you for collecting our rubbish and taking it to the dump,” – they are the sweetest little things. <3

The author of the book has done an incredible job of writing it.

The Garbage Trucks are Coming Today can be found here at Booktopia.

Today is not just any old day… Join Winston and his family as they wait for the garbage to be collected.

The Garbage Trucks are coming today is a fun read for any child who loves garbage trucks.