The Perfect Stocking Filler Suggestion for You!

So, what do you look at getting someone who simply might have it all? But wants to enjoy some Christmas magic? An Instant Scratch-Its ticket of course! Who loves the excitement of receiving scratchies? I know that I did.

In my adult life, my parents would always surprise us with some stocking filler scratchies! I know that throughout the year, our family member birthdays usually always have an Instant Scratch-Its ticket inside the thoughtfully picked-out card, so Christmas shouldn’t be an exception should it?!

This year, I know that I will be giving out some Christmas Cheer designed scratchies. They look amazing and I just know that the adults in our family will love them. The excitement of wondering if you have WON big, or won something little, it all helps. I have a beautiful memory of shortly after turning 18 and my grandparents visiting Australia over the festive season and I was so very lucky to have won $20 when we were on the Gold Coast. I was so over the moon and felt so grown up to be gifted a special Scratch-It ticket for my birthday, in the most gorgeous granddaughter card!

I was able to purchase a beautiful surf dress which I wore for so many memorable occasions. I still remember the excitement I felt being lucky enough to WIN! It made my day and is a treasured memory that I have.

I know when it comes to hubby and I, we always include an Instant Scratchie and a Lotto ticket with our special family birthday numbers. It’s a tradition which we have always done, and this year is no exception!

I am thinking that next year, it will be awesome to include $1, $2, $5 scratchies in our adult advent calendars. Some extra festive fun for the family to enjoy!

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and thank you to The Lott for allowing us to feature this year’s Instant Scratchies in our Christmas Gift Guide series.



*Please note, this post is not in anyway or form sponsored. The views of this product are my own personal views. Photographs remain the property of The Pink Jubilee blog. Copyright, 2018.
*Please be careful with any gambling, which you engage in. Gamble responsibly at all times.